Declaration of protest against the House of Councilors approving the India-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement

Declaration of protest against the House of Councilors approving the India-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement

7 June 2017

To: Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan
: Mr. Fumio Kishida, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Japan

From: Campaign Opposing the Ratification of the India-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement by the Japanese Parliament
Today the coalition government (Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito) voted to approve the adoption of the India-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement.

We, the Campaign Opposing the Ratification of the India-Japan Nuclear Cooperation Agreement by the Japanese Parliament, strongly condemn this reckless action.

The pitifully short time it was debated by both houses of parliament is undeniable and there are many grave flaws in this Agreement. By ratifying this Agreement, Japan is legitimizing India’s nuclear weapons development. The government is trampling over 70 years of effort on the part of the Japanese people to eliminate nuclear weapons.

Furthermore, it will mean that Japan will be aiding the brutal repression of the rights and destruction of the environment of the Indian citizens who live on and near proposed sites for nuclear power plant construction.

It is already abundantly clear that, Toshiba, which is in financial crisis, as well as other nuclear industry corporations such as Hitachi and Mitsubishi are in no condition to actively pursue overseas contracts for nuclear power plants. It was completely unnecessary to approve this Agreement with such haste and time should have been taken in Parliament to identify and rectify all of the problems in the present Agreement.

We also stand in protest at the steamrolling of this bill through parliament and vow to continue the fight to prevent export of nuclear technology, together with Members of Parliament, citizen groups and individuals from across Japan as well as Indian citizens.


日印原子力協力協定 参議院可決による国会承認議決 抗議声明

内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三殿

外務大臣 岸田文雄殿

日印原子力協力協定 参議院可決による国会承認議決 抗議声明









日印原子力協定国会承認反対キャンペーン < グリーン・アクション、グループ:南アジアの原発と核兵器、原発いらない福島の女たち、原発メーカー訴訟原告団、原水禁(原水爆禁止日本国民会議)、コアネット(戦略ODAと原発輸出に反対する市民アクション)、さよなら原発神戸アクション、「しないさせない!戦争協力」関西ネットワーク、日本山妙法寺、平和をつくり出す宗教者ネット、武器輸出反対ネットワーク(NAJAT)、首都圏反原発連合、たんぽぽ舎、特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)ピースデポ、ピースボート、特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)ふくしま地球市民発伝所、とめよう原発!!関西ネットワーク、平和と民主主義をめざす全国交歓会、認定特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)FoE Japan、認定特定非営利活動法人(NPO法人)原子力資料情報室、ノーニュークス・アジアフォーラム・ジャパン、緑のハーモニー調布、美浜・大飯・高浜原発に反対する大阪の会(50音順)