4月12日、 64,431筆(88か国)を、政府に提出し、記者会見、首相官邸前抗議アクションを行いました。しかし13日、政府は汚染水海洋放出を決定。国際署名は継続します(現在79,500名、110か国)。
79,500 signatures (from 110 countries) were submitted to the Japanese government. Signatures will continue.
★On the 10th Anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster:International Signature Campaign Against the Discharge of Contaminated Water and Calling for the Discontinuation of Nuclear Power Plants Now!
The Japanese government is planning to release Fukushima’s radioactive contaminated water into the ocean. Japanese citizens, from Fukushima Prefecture and beyond, are strongly opposed to this plan. The Fukushima Prefecture Fishermen’s Association, with the backing of the Fishermen’s Association from all over Japan, have submitted an opinion of opposition to the government. The Fukushima Prefecture Agricultural Cooperatives and Forestry Associations along with 43 local governments in Fukushima Prefecture also participated in this campaign, and 450,000 citizens from across Japan have signed a petition against the government plan. Opposition to the release of contaminated water has triggered much concern and opposition among citizenry overseas as well, including those from neighboring countries.
Contaminated water from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant has already exceeded 1.24 million tons. We are deeply concerned about the adverse effects the water will have on the human body by way of consuming fish and shellfish, which are staples in the region’s diet. We demand the Japanese government keep the contaminated water stored in the tanks until the water’s levels of radioactivity are significantly reduced. The government could also adopt mortar-induced radioactive waste solidification technology.
Meanwhile, in neighboring South Korea, the government has advocated for denuclearization with its energy plan on paper but has not ceased to build new nuclear power plants (NPPs) in action. Serious safety breaches have been reported repeatedly, including (but not limited to) the recent tritium leak at Wolseong NPP in Gyeongju and the disclosure of an air gap in the containment building at Yeonggwang Hanbit NPP. In Taiwan, the government is ostensibly advancing forward to be the first nuclear-free country in Asia under the slogan of “Zero nuclear power generation in 2025.” However, the Taiwanese government plans to hold a referendum on resuming the construction of the 4th NPP in August 2021. The construction of NPPs continues in Turkey and India while other countries, including the Philippines, seek new opportunities to build NPPs. Debates over safe storage and disposal of nuclear waste that will affect future generations for hundreds of thousands of years continue in Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Australia and the world.
Ten years have passed since the Fukushima nuclear disaster yet attempts to maintain nuclear power linger on in Asia and other regions of the world. However, at a time the world is turning to renewable energy, we are becoming increasingly aware the time of nuclear power has expired.
We demand that
· The Japanese government stop its plan to discharge Fukushima NPP’s contaminated water into the ocean;
· The Korean government disclose information on the actual state of radioactive leakage at Wolseong NPP;
· All governments abandon plans to build new NPPs and instead focus on expanding renewable energy;
· All governments discontinue the operation of hazardous NPPs and drop plans to extend their life spans; and
· Stop building nuclear waste facilities without explicit consent of residents.
★À l’occasion du 10e anniversaire de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima:
Campagne internationale de signature contre le rejet d’eau contaminée et appelant à l’arrêt des centrales nucléaires dès maintenant!
★10 Jahre Fukushima, leitet kein verseuchtes Wasser ins Meer! Stoppt die AKWs!
★Decimo anniversario dell’incidente alla centrale di Fukushima
Opponiamoci allo sversamento delle acque contaminate nell’oceano!
Basta con le centrali nucleari!
★「福島原発事故10年、汚染水を海に流さないで! 原発もうやめよう!」国際署名
★후쿠시마 핵발전소 사고 10주년, 오염수 해양방출 반대! 핵발전소 이제 그만! 국제서명
★К 10-летию ядерной катастрофы на Фукусиме:
Международная подписная кампания против сброса загрязненной воды и призыва к прекращению эксплуатации атомных электростанций сейчас же!
★En el marco del décimo aniversario del desastre nuclear de Fukushima:
¡Campaña Internacional de Recolección de Firmas en Contra de la Descarga de Aguas Contaminadas y a Favor de la Discontinuación Inmediata de las Plantas Nucleares!
Taiwan Mandarin:http://chng.it/XgzQzHz6
★Fukuşima Nükleer Felaketi’ nin 10. Yıldönümünde: Radyoaktif Suyun Okyanusa Boşaltılmasına Karşı ve Nükleer Santrallerden Hemen Şimdi Vazgeçilmesi için Kampanya
Initiated by 311 organizations in 24 countries
【Australia】Australian Conservation Foundation、Friends of the Earth Australia、Marrickville Peace Group、People for Nuclear Disarmament、Port Adelaide/Semaphore Amnesty International Australia Action Group、Remembering and Healing、Sydney Peace & Justice Coalition、Uranium Free NSW、Campaign for International Cooperation and Disarmament、Josephite SA (South Australian) Reconciliation Circle
【Austria】Independent Salzburg Platform Against Nuclear、Wiener Plattform Atomkraftfrei
【Belarus】Institute of Radiation Safety(BELRAD)
【Belgium】Fin du nucleaire、Nucleaire Stop Kernenergie
【Brazil】Coalition for Brazil free of Nuclear Plants、International Uranium Film Festival
【Bulgaria】Za Zemiata (FoE Bulgaria)
【China】Blue Dalian
【Finland】Women Against Nuclear Power、Women for Peace、
【France】Bure en Retz、CCOA-ADN75、ECHO-Echanges、Editions de Fukushima、Fukushima blog、Fukushima informations 福島新たな原子力、Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11、Pectine Nonuke、Reseau Sortir du Nucleaire、Sortir du nucleaire Sarthe、Sortir du Nucleaire Tregor in Brittany、The Fukushima Voices、Vosges Alternatives au Nucleaire、STOP NUCLEAIRE DRÖME ARDECHE、よそものネット・フランス(パリ)Collectif Anti-Nucléaire Ouest、La France Insoumise 44
【Germany】Aktionsbuendnis Energiewende Heilbronn、Arbeitsgemeinschaft AtomErbe Neckarwestheim、Buendnis Fukushima-Neckarwestheim、Buergerinitiative GegenGift Heilbronn/UnterLand、Bund der Buergerinitiativen Mittlerer Neckar、Bundesverband Bürgerinitiativen Umweltschutz、さよなら ニュークス デュセルドルフ、Sayonara Nukes Berlin、Anti Atom Berlin、ICHIMOKU
【India】National Alliance of People’s Movements、Indian Social Action Forum、Indigenous Perspectives、Jharkhandi Organisation Against Redaition-JOAR-JADUGODA、Poovulagin Nanbargal、Socialist Party、SUTRA(Society for Social Uplift Through Rural Action)
【Indonesia】MANI(Indonesia Anti-Nuclear Society)
【Italia】Centro di documentazione(Semi sotto la neve)、日伊の架橋-朋・アミーチ
【Japan】会津放射能情報センター、Friends of the Earth Japan、大間原発反対現地集会実行委員会、核燃サイクル阻止1万人訴訟原告団、核燃料廃棄物搬入阻止実行委員会、柏崎刈羽原発反対地元三団体、柏崎巻原発に反対する在京者の会、上関原発止めよう!広島ネットワーク、9とよさかピースの会、熊本・原発止めたい女たちの会、グリーン・アクション、グローバリゼーションを問う広島ネットワーク、経産省前テントひろば、玄海原発プルサーマル裁判の会、原子力教育を考える会、原子力行政を問い直す宗教者の会、原発事故被害者団体連絡会、子ども脱被ばく裁判の会、これ以上海を汚すな!市民会議、Citizens’Nuclear Information Center、原水爆禁止日本国民会議、原発いらない福島の女たち、原発おことわり三重の会、原発さよなら四国ネットワーク、原発とめよう!九電本店前ひろば、再稼働阻止全国ネットワーク、さようなら柏崎刈羽原発プロジェクト、さよなら玄海原発の会・久留米、さよなら島根原発ネットワーク、さよなら原発神戸アクション、さよなら原発なら県ネット、市民放射能監視センター(ちくりん舎)、ストップ秘密保護法かながわ、ソーラーネット、高木基金、脱原発アクションin香川、脱原発とうかい塾、脱原発福島ネットワーク、脱被ばく実現ネット、たまあじさいの会、たんぽぽ舎、とめよう原発!関西ネットワーク、豊橋いのちと未来を守る会、虹とみどりの会、No Nukes Asia Forum Japan、浜岡原発を考える静岡ネットワーク、Peace Boat、東日本大震災避難者の会 Thanks & Dream、ふぇみん婦人民主クラブ、フクシマ・アクション・プロジェクト、ふくしま地球市民発伝所、プルトニウムフリーコミニケーション神奈川、ベクレルフリー北海道、放射能から豊中の市民・子どもを守る会、放射能ゴミ焼却を考えるふくしま連絡会、緑の党グリーンズジャパン、緑のハーモニー、緑ふくしま、みやぎ金曜デモの会、みやぎ脱原発・風の会、モニタリングポストの継続配置を求める市民の会・三春、若狭の原発を考える会
【Korea】후쿠시마 10주년 준비위원회 : 기독교환경운동연대, 노동자연대, 녹색당, 녹색연합, 대전탈핵희망, 불교생태콘텐츠연구소, 불교환경연대, 사회변혁노동자당, 삼척핵발전소반대투쟁위원회, 시민방사능감시센터, 아이쿱생협(강남, 강서, 도봉노원디딤돌, 서대문마포은평, 서울, 송파), 에너지기후정책연구소, 에너지전환포럼, 에너지정의행동, 영광핵발전소안전성확보를위한공동행동, 원불교환경연대, 월성원전인접지역이주대책위원회, 정의당, 정치하는엄마들, 제주탈핵도민행동, 참여연대, 천도교한울연대, 천주교 남자장상협의회 정의평화환경위원회, 천주교 예수회 사회사도직위원회, 천주교 의정부교구 환경농촌사목위원회, 천주교 창조보전연대, 초록을그리다, 탈핵경주시민공동행동, 탈핵부산시민연대, 탈핵신문, 탈핵에너지교수모임, 탈핵에너지전환전북연대, 한국YWCA연합회, 한국천주교여자수도회장상연합회 JPIC분과위원회, 한살림연합, 핵없는사회를위한대구시민행동, 핵없는사회를위한충북행동, 핵없는세상을위한고창군민행동, 핵없는세상광주전남행동, 환경운동연합, 환경재단, 환경정의
【Philippines】ABAKADA-MAPALAD KA、Nuclear Free Bataan Movement、KILUSAN Para sa Pambansang Demokrasya、Coal Free Bataan Movement、Young Bataenos Environmental Advocacy Network、KILUSAN Bataan、Nuclear Free Pilipinas、PEACE WOMEN PARTNERS
【Romania】TERRA Millennium III Foundation
【Russia】Socio-ecological union international
【Sweden】Naturskyddsforeningen i Alvsbyn、Swedish Antinuclear Movement
【Taiwan】台湾環境保護連盟(Taiwan Environmental Protection Union)緑色公民行動聯盟(Green Citizens’ Action Alliance)地球公民基金會(Citizen of the earth)媽媽監督核電廠聯盟、守望文教基金會、台灣蠻野心足生態協會、北海岸反核行動聯盟、看守台灣協會、PAPA非核陣線、環境法律人協會、台灣環境資訊協會、彰化縣環境保護聯盟、主婦聯盟環境保護基金會、台灣媽祖魚保育聯盟、台灣千里歩道協會、台灣永社、人本教育基金會、新北市愛郷協會、林口社區大學、台灣同志諮詢熱線協會、緑色和平、緑黨、台灣公民自主發電行動聯盟、主婦聯盟南部辦公室、台灣人權促進會、台灣緑能臨門一腳協會、台灣環境教育協會、台南新芽、荒野保護協會、美濃愛郷協進會、屏東縣好好婦女權益發展協會、高雄市公民監督公僕聯盟、高雄市鳳山社區大學、全國教保產業工會、主婦聯盟環境保護基金會南部辦公室、台南社區大學、屏東縣教育產業工會
【Turkey】Nukleersiz. Org、Yesiller Partisi (Green Party)、Istanbul Nukleer Karsiti Platform(NKP) 、Mersin Nukleer Karsiti Platform (Mersin NKP)、Sinop Nukleer Karsiti Platform(SNKP)、Sinop Nukleer Karsiti Platform Dernegi (SNKP DER)、HDP Sinop、SYKP、Sinop Sol Parti、Emek Partisi、Sinop TIP、Elektrik Muhendisleri Odasi(EMO)、Yenifoca Forum、Sinop Cevre Dostlari Dernegi、Sinop Kent Haklari Dernegi (KENT SAV)、Egitim İs Sinop Subesi、Egitim Sen、Sinop Tip、Sinop Tukoder、Gerze Halkevi ve Gerze Bilim Kultur Sanat ve Spor Dernegi、Ataturkcu Dusunce Dernegi Sinop、Cagdas Yasami Destekleme Dernegi Sinop、Yeryuzu Dernegi、Yeni Insan Yayinevi、Samsun Cevre Platformu (SAMCEP)、Mersin Cevre ve Doga Dernegi (MERCED)、Bakirtepe Cevre Platformu、Kazdagi Dogal ve Kulturel Varliklari Koruma Dernegi、Divrigi Kultur Dernegi、Mezopotamya Ekoloji Hareketi,、Amed Ekoloji Dernegi,、Hevsel Koruma Platformu、Burhaniye Cevre Platformu (BURCEP)、Dogader、Artvin Cevre Platformu、Soke Cevre Platformu、Ordu Cevre Dernegi、Antalya Ekoloji Meclisi、Kusadası Cevre Platformu、Yesil Artvin Dernegi、Mardin Ekoloji Dernegi、Aydin Cevre ve Kultur Dernegi(AYCEP) 、Ekoloji Birligi、Heryer Kazdaglari、Kazdaglari Kardesligi、Mugla Cevre Platformu、Datca Kultur Sanat Dayanismasi、Doganin Cocuklari、Cesme Cevre Platformu、Ayvalik Tabiat Platformu、Agonya Doga Koruma Girisimi、Munzur Cevre Dernegi、Gokova Ekolojik Yasam Dernegi、Cine Yasam Platformu(CIYAP)、Bozcaada Forum、Munzur Koruma Kurulu (DEDEF)、Troya Cevre Dernegi、Karadeniz Isyandadir、Didim Cevre Platformu、Ege Cevre ve Kultur Platformu(EGECEP)、Karaburun Kent Konseyi、Yarimada Yesilleri ve Cesme,Urla,Seferihisar, Karaburun Cevre Platformu、Kazdaglari Istanbul Dayanismasi、Didim Egitim ve Cevre Dernegi、Yenisehir Cevre Platformu、Yalova Platformu、Validebag Gonulluleri Dernegi、Emirdag Yaylalari Doga Platformu、Yasam ve Dayanisma Yolculari、Didim Dernegi、Didim Egitim ve Cevre Dernegi、Ankara Artvin Kultur Yardimlasma Dernegi
【UK】Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament、CND Cymru-the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in Wales、JAN (Japanese Against Nuclear)、Rochdale and Littleborough Peace Group、South Lakeland and Lancaster District Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament、Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth、People Against Wylfa B
【USA】able、Beyond Nuclear、All-African People’s Revolutionary Party、Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition、NO Nukes Action,California、Nuclear Information and Resource Service、Nuclear Watch South、Samuel Lawrence Foundation、the Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World、Veterans For Peace – NYC Chapter 34、Coalition Against Nukes、San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace
「On the 10th Anniversary of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: International Signature Campaign Against the Discharge of Contaminated Water and Calling for the Discontinuation of Nuclear Power Plants Now! 国際署名「福島原発事故10年、汚染水を海に流さないで! 原発もうやめよう!」」への4件のフィードバック